Charlie Brown

I was on a torrent site, looking for an old Peanuts movie so me and Dianelle - my little sister - could watch. She liked Charlie Brown a lot, even owning a stuffed Snoopy and Woodstuck. So, I thought 'why not?' to getting her a Peanuts episode to watch; Heck, maybe 10 to be a DVD completely. The only one I could find, was labeled under "PeanutsLOSTEPISODE.avi". Cool, I thought chuckling. A lost episode tape, I continued. I clicked on it, and pressed 'preview video'.
It would start, with Lucy setting the football as Charlie Brown was preparing; only one thing was strange, his pants were off and his dick was showing. He rams into Lucy, making her suck his cock. He releases a large amount of cum onto Lucy, and she squeals. The classic theme plays, as the iconic football is seen rolling on a white background, covered in cum.
There was no credits, nothing.
It simply cut to Charlie Brown in jail, waiting for Linus to call. The phone rang, and Charlie picked it up; expecting a call from Linus, was instead a low moan. "A-are you fucking my sister, Linus?" He asked. The screen cut to Linus having a threesome, with Peppermint Patty and Sally.
"It's nothing personal, Charlie Brown" said Linus Van Pelt. "It's business. Plus, when you fucked min-" he was interrupted by Charlie Brown breaking out of jail. Linus said, "Crap!" and gulped, and then fainted. Charlie Brown busted through his door, "Here I come, motherfucker" he hollered, holding a broken beer bottle.
"Shultz!" Linus screamed, as Charlie bashed the beer onto his head, causing it to gash open. "That'll teach 'em" "C-chuck?" studdered Peppermint Patty. "M-my sweet babboo!" Sally interrupted. They all stared at each other, for 5 WHOLE minutes.
The screen tuned to a pornographic vid, and then faded to static.